Sportscamps St Andrews indoor sports facilities

In order to allow this region of Scotland to develop and become a region where sport is more than present, St Andrews University decided to invest huge amounts of money in numerous sports facilities. These investments have enabled the university to become one of the most well-stocked sports facilities in the country and can now accommodate hundreds of athletes every day, whether they are children, students, campus employees or adults living nearby.

The fields, gyms, sports halls and fitness rooms have allowed St Andrews University to welcome more and more students for whom the presence of sports facilities and venues has become a major criterion in their choice of studies. Sport has become in recent years a great hobby that allows young and old to take a break from their bodies and minds, to think about other things, to take care of their bodies and to practice a regular physical activity. This new fashion has allowed many enthusiasts to get back in shape and their health has improved as a result.

This page of the Sportscamps St Andrews website,, allows you to see all the indoor sports facilities available on the St Andrews University campus. All Sportscamps St Andrews courses take place on these fields and gyms which are all close to each other.

The gyms and fitness rooms

Every day, more and more people push the doors of a gym for the first time. This activity has been growing rapidly for a few years now, and people who are passionate about weight training are meeting for intensive sessions. There are free weights for weight training, as well as specialized machines according to the different parts of the body you want to build up. A cardio area is also present in the St Andrews University gym.

There are treadmills that will allow you to do jogging or fast walking. Different running programs are present on these treadmills, and if you need help or advice, a sports coach will be happy to help you. Indoor bikes are also present in this gym, as well as rowing machines and various machines that allow you to work on your cardio while acting on your muscles.

A gym is also at your disposal during the Sportscamps St Andrews courses. Dance classes are held in this room, with professional dance teachers. Various classes are held every evening and are very popular with students who come to unwind and clear their heads after a hard day.

For an overview of outdoor options, explore our article on Outdoor Facilities Available at Sportscamps St Andrews.’

The secondary multi-sports hall

This room allows you to try many original sports that are not necessarily easy to practice because of the small number of facilities in the country. For example, a climbing wall is present, as well as equipment specially designed for archery. You can also try rowing, cricket, table tennis or fencing, all under the supervision of professionals.

This gym is also used for many other sports. Indeed, this hall is used as a training place for all team sports, whose matches are usually played in the sports arena mentioned below. Some of the team sports that use this hall as a training venue are basketball, badminton, futsal, handball, korfball, netball, trampoline and volleyball.

As far as the climbing wall is concerned, there are very strict rules to be respected regarding its use. In order not to put oneself in danger, it is compulsory to be at least 3 people to ensure the climber and to alert the helpers in case of problem. This climbing wall is unfortunately closed for the moment because of the health crisis but a reopening is planned soon.

Thanks to the presence of this wall, a group called Saints Alpinisme was born and gathers many climbing and mountain enthusiasts. Excursions are regularly organized on the nearby cliffs and hills to practice different mountain sports between enthusiasts.

The arena for indoor sports

There are many indoor sports available on the St Andrews University campus. Indeed, these gyms and sports arenas are available every day of the week and many competitions are organized very regularly. The largest hall on campus is called the Sports Arena. Occasionally, this sports arena is modified to accommodate certain events, so some judo or martial arts competitions of any kind may be held on the St Andrews campus facilities.

This gymnasium can accommodate up to 400 people at a time.This one houses most of the world’s most popular indoor sports, including:

  • One badminton court;
  • One court approved for basketball;
  • One netball court;
  • One handball court;
  • One volleyball court;
  • One trampoline ;
  • One futsal court.

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